オンライン英会話スクール「スカイプdeイングリッシュ」 | 日記 | To hit on someone , Or to flirt with someone.
2013/02/09 To hit on someone , Or to flirt with someone.
To hit on someone , Or to flirt with someone.
今回はこのフレーズです。 好きな人にアタックしている様子ですね。うまくいくといいですね。
Imagine this : There's a man who approches a woman and does nice things to her or say nice words, to get her attention , Or even buys her a coffee or a drink to show that he likes her.
This man is trying to ask her for a date or wanting to get her phone number . Obviously , This man likes this woman and is doing his best to meet her again and again . This is a situation that other people might say this : " He is hitting on her "