オンライン英会話スクール「スカイプdeイングリッシュ」 | 日記 | Jone先生のブログより


I'll get should be I'll have or can I have?   (By Jone) 私はカナダの西部に住んでいます。
ファーストフード店やレストランでよく聞くこの言い方 "I'll get the.........". 少しうんざりします。
最近のはやりなのでしょうか? 10年前まで、皆さん正しく使っていた注文の仕方は
I'll have, or can I have. "I'll get the.........".  このような言い方はをするのは、この辺り(カナダ西部)だけなのでしょうか?  
I live in western Canada. One thing I get so tired of hearing at fast food order counters and restaurants is  "I'll get the.........". It's like an epidemic.
Everywhere I go, fast food, convenience, restaurants, I hear I'll get the Big Mac etc. Until 10 years ago people use the correct request, I'll have, or can I have.
What happened? If they say, I'll get, it means that they will get what they want themselves. If I was the waiter I would say, “no you can't get it but I can get it for you and you can have it"! 
A: Can I help you sir?
B: Yes I'll get the Big Mac...
It should be I'll have a Big Mac!
 Is this a problem only in Western Canada?

> 日記の一覧に戻る



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